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Project Oasis

Photojournalist committee

Friday, July 22, 2022
9:00 am2:00 pm
Volunteer your time with HEBNI from 9am-12pm taking photos of our time with Fresh Stop during their tour!

Taking photos and videos of events that go on during the year, that we can use to build up our social media content.

Taking quality photos and videos during nutrition education programs, Volunteer events, Any meetings, or community events we have
Helping out during Wednesday lives
Cropping or adjusting photos to enhance their overall appearance.

Has experience taking photos as a hobby or professionally.
Knows how to enhance photo appearance with iPhone or even with photoshop.
Is able to commute to events and to our NRC to take photos and help with Wednesday lives.

Time commitment:
Time is based on the event associated, so in this case it is Fresh Stop’s tour, so it will be from 9am-12pm.

A short youtube playlist will be compiled for tips taking pictures with a phone camera, as well as a couple of photo editing recommendations.

Additional requirements:
A person in this position should be able to handle constructive criticism well. This is a great opportunity for people to practice a skill or get their name out as a photographer. If someone is interested in marketing, it's an opportunity for them to practice taking photos during a busy event.