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Project Oasis

Event Booster

Friday, July 22, 2022
9:00 am2:00 pm
Help Fresh Stop out by volunteering with us July 15th from 9am-12pm! We will be touring central Florida spreading our mission to the community.

To help increase interaction with as many event-goers as possible.

Man different stations during events like helping to run the smoothie bike or helping with parking during events.
Ensure that the event is running as smoothly as possible.
Ensure that volunteers are aware of all the different stations available during the events.

Anyone can be an event booster, but we emphasize that our boosters have great communication skills, are charismatic, and are full of energy.

Time commitment:
Event boosters are need-based, so this position will pop up every time we need an event booster. The position will be held in 2 hour increments, if a person would like to volunteer for the entire event they can select multiple shifts.

Training will be in person or via zoom, depending on the position. Training will also be held a week before the event, to ensure that the event booster is aware of what they need to do.
The training will be coordinated with the volunteer coordinator.

Additional requirements:
The volunteer is required to commute to the events. Although we have monthly events at our NRC, there are community engagement events that are far away from our NRC, therefore, resulting in varied commutes. The exact location of the event will be posted with the volunteer description and training guide.

Event booster positions available:
Check in (3 person)
Event Booster’s in this position ensure that everyone that comes to the event are checked in by validating registration with Event bright, as well as annotating their first and last name.

Parking (3 people)
Event Booster’s in this position ensure that the space available to parking is used as efficiently as possible.Event boosters also ensure that people park their cars adequately spaced apart to reduce the chance of door dings or altercations

Smoothie bike assistant (3 person)
Event Booster’s in this position ensure that the smoothie bike has enough fruits and vegetables to continue producing smoothies. The Event Booster is also expected to help contribute to the production of the smoothies by pedaling the bike

Booth assistant (3 people)
Event Booster’s in this position ensure quality service Is given to event goers. There will be boots filled with samples, and products that will require assistance. The booth assistants are expected to keep things stocked and promote participation.

Clean up crew (3 people)
After the event, It is likely that there will be garbage left around. The clean up crew is in charge of keeping the venue as clean as possible by picking up trash and discarding of them accordingly.

Tear down crew (3 people)
After the event, all volunteers and staff will be tired from the day.TheTear Down Crew will be the people that assists in Packing objects onto the van, and ensuring that nothing gets left behind.